Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ong Tee Keat wins!

Yeah, congrats to my saudara (hehe, anyone who shares my surname is my kin)

Hopefully he'll be a bold leader, dare to talk, dare to challenge, and please.. do not hide under any shell...

As for Chua Soi Lek, yep congrats as well... you've been a good leader, and hopefully you'll continue to be a good leader.

But bear in mind leaders - what you do in the dark may be revealed any time. So be righteous.
When you're a leader, you don't just lead physically.

Morally, etiquette wise, you must be upright too. Don't give the lame excuse.."Oh, this is my personal life.." If your personal life is the one that God and the people will always be proud of, then do it.
But if you doubt about it, DON'T DO IT.