Sunday, September 06, 2009

Taming/ rehabilitating a fear-stricken dog

[continued from previous post] - Taming/ rehabilitating a fear-stricken dog

She trembled in fear. What's going on? Mommy, where are you???

The "thing" had managed to lift her up, and she was now outside the cage. Everywhere was bright. She could see things clearer now, but somehow, her vision remain scarred. She trembled in extreme fear.

"Mimi..." Instantaneously she felt the "thing" touching her back and she immediately retaliated with compulsive jumps and biting the air and every single object that got into her way. Silence. She waited for the next move by the "Doctor" - her enemy.

"Mimi.... how are you?" The voice remained soft and gentle. It was not mommy's, but somehow she started to familiarize with the soothing voice. Can "Doctor" be trusted? Will she do me any harm?

Mimi looked up. "Doctor" was looking at her. Face-to-face. Eyes-to-eyes. "Mimi?" The stare continued.

Slowly she saw "Doctor"'s finger slowly approaching her collar. Mimi waited anxiously. The next moment she could feel a gentle stroke on her forehead. Mimi closed her eyes. It was a very comfortable, trusting stroke. The finger had not feared her bite.

"Mimi... look at your eyes.. it's so painful isn't it?" Mimi felt her eyelids pulled open, and knowing that she could begin to trust "Doctor", she allowed her eyes to open. The gentle stroke on her forehead reached to her nose, and gently around her eyes. Mimi looked at the nasty person in front of her.

Could she be trusted?
to be continued...