Saturday, September 13, 2008

control my frustration/temper

a lady walked in - to get her dog treated for flu. so I gave the dog some injection and medication home. then the lady started...

Lady: " Can I deworm my dog also?"
Me : "Yeah, no problem.. "
Lady:" Will the dewormer harm my dog?"
Me: "It's safe for dog use.."
Lady:"But the dog is now on antibiotics and so many medication.. still want to give dewormer ar?"
Me:" You can give, no harm.. don't want to give also doesn't matter.."
Lady:"So I give can ar?"
Me:" Can, no problem..."
Lady:" My dog is very thin.. can I give her some vitamins and supplements.."
Me:" Can, no problem..."
Lady:" Do you have any vitamins to give her?"
Me: (i took out some tablets) "Try this, it's quite good..."
Lady:" Tablets? Got any other form ar?"
Me:" If you don't want tablet we have other forms also.. gel.. liquid..." (and put the other vitamins in front of her)
Lady:" Wa.. so many types ar.. I'm feeding my dog nutricoat now.. Can I feed this vitamins also?"
Me: " Can, no problem one.."
Lady:" But isn't it too much for her already?"
Me: (God.. give me patience please..) "Well, the vitamins are just supplements.. you can give.. you can also not give.. no problem one..."
Lady:" But she's already taking Nutricoat wor... can take the vitamins sommore ar?"
Me: (smiled...)
Lady: "I think I'd better not give her so much vitamins.. i'll finish the nutricoat first.. then see la.."
Me: (smiled..)
Lady:"Can I feed her rice ar?"
Me: "Can.. no harm.. just make sure that you continue the biscuits.. rice is jsut extra.."
Lady:"But she's having flu wor.. can eat rice mea?"
Me: " Can.. why not... "
Lady:"But rice.. later not good for her.."
Me: (smiled..)
Llady: bla bla bla bla.. (continues her stories..)

sigh... I know I'm short tempered... guess this is the way for me to train to control my frustration or temper? sigh..