Sunday, May 31, 2009

The world is dark.. but light still exists. Praise God for tat. =)

Everyday in my work place I encounter people of all kinds of bad attitude, snobbish, arrogant, discriminative, rude, cruel, indifferent, demanding, selfish, ruthless, rich yet stingy etc etc etc. Many a times they turn my mood off. I guess seeing these kinds of people more and more I'll be a "cool" answering machine soon.
Despite all these darkness... I'm glad.. I do encounter very very nice people.. People who are genuine, sincere, persistent, hardworking, obedient (obey the vet's advice), caring, courteous, selfless, understanding, and many a times their kind words melt my heart, draw my eyes to tears.

I thank God for sending these angels to remind me that, no matter how dark the world is, there is still light shining thru. Jesus is the light of the world. How can I keep my eyes focused on the darkside?

From now on, I'll brush away the "dark" people, and remember the "light" people. And hence I'll be posting on the "light" people in my blog and forget about the "dark".


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