Saturday, August 07, 2010

where to buy furminator in malaysia?

Perhaps getting tired is part of getting old process.. or perhaps it's because i no longer exercise?
Hmm.. it's really hard to find time to exercise... should I try cycling to work, in order to make myself exercise? But with so many gigantic roads to cross, and lorries speeding up and down the roads, I've thought that cycling to work is not a good idea.

But I really need to have regular exercise... swimming! - no free & near & clean swimming pool-

jogging! - bad for my knees..

aerobic! - no time no space...

sigh... I'm still working this out.
I was about to sleep earlier on when I thoguth, oh yah, it's really been a while since i last posted an article on my blog.. i'm really tired..

but a phrase won't take much time right.. here's the phrase for today:

"It is hard to expect any empty plastic bag to stand up straight." -Winston Churchill


Anonymous said...

hi..u got sell tis furminator?
i'm looking for size L one......thx

pam said...

hi, i do sell furminator, i have L and M. can you give me your email address so tat i can communicate with you thru email instead?