Tuesday, April 08, 2008

10 reasons to believe in the existence of God


5. the Background of Genesis
The opening words of the Bible, "In the beginning God" (Gen 1:1), assume the existence of God. Genesis was written at a point of time in history. Israel's exodus from Egypt and the miraculous events have been witnessed by milions of Jews and Egyptians. From the Exodus to the coming of Messiah, the God of the Bible rests His case on events witnessed in real time nd locations. Anyone who doubted the claims could visit real places and people to check out the evidence for themselves.

6. the Nation of Israel
Many find it difficult to believe in a God who would be partial to Israel, His "chosen people." It is even harder to believe in a God who would not protect His "chosen nation" from the horrors of World War II. Yet from the beginning of Old Testament history, Israel's future was prewritten. Together with other prophets, Moses predicted not only Israel's possession of the land but also her unparalleled suffering and dispersion throughout the whole earth, her eventual repentance, and then finally her last days restoration (Deut 28-34; Isa 2:1-5; Ezze 37-38).

7. the Claims of Christ
Some say, "If God wanted us to believe in Him, He would aappear to us." According to the Bible, that is what God has done. God has come in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I nd the Father are one" (John 10:30). "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 141:9).

... to be continued (adopted from Our Daily Bread)

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