Monday, December 17, 2007

it's christmas!

oh great! christmas is just around the corner! it's fun fun fun...

say.. wat comes first into your mind whenever the word "christmas" pop up into your mind? santa claus? reindeer? pine tree? gift exchange?

if it is so, then you ought to reshuffle your thinking about christmas. Christmas Day is actually a day which we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. I repeat, Jesus' birth. there is nothing to do with santa claus or reindeer or pine tree.. etc... these are just icons commercialized by the business-minded people..

Tho' we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on this day (25 Dec), but his real birth date is unknown. So it's just a day for the world to come together in thanks giving, for God so loved us, he sent his only Son, Jesus to earth.. to appear in human form.. that whoever believes in him, shall have eternal life and not perish.

On this christmas, let's look up to heaven, close your eyes.. and smile.. and just be thankful.. =)


Christopher Andrew said...

hey Pam
Have a Blessed Christmas

GOd Bless

pam said...

Hey christopher.. same to you.. :) hope to see you real soon k.. u been playing MIA ha...