Monday, October 15, 2007

She'd left

it was a solemn day. I had hoped for so many days that Feeb would survive the canine parvo virus ordeal, but as i stepped into the clinic that morning, Feeb was motionless. Dead. Immediately i felt a pang in my heart, what i had feared most for the past few days has come. Tears started rolling uncontrollably down my cheeks.

I hurried to do other stuff in the clinic to divert my focus, but then i remembered then i had to inform the owners. The owners who had come faithfully to our clinic every day and nite, to encourage Feeb. I remembered clearly how Feeb would stand and wagged her tail enthusiastically each time... but each day she got weaker as she started to lose the battle...

"Hello Ms Ern... I've got bad news..." I called the owner.
"What bad news?"
"Mm...erggh... Feeb..." my throat clogged up as i started crying uncontrollably. I was wondering, shouldn't i be the one tougher here?!
"I'm on my way, to the clinic." And the line was dead.

I stood hidden behind the walls, unwilling to believe that this was happening. How could Feeb had lost the battle? Few minutes later, all 5 owners of Feeb reached the clinic. I couldn't look at them in the eye. My eyes were badly swollen. And I knew for sure that if i ever glanced at their sad faces, I would cry and make the entire scenario even worse.

Then the dad came to me. "Can't do much, huh? You tried your best... I guess this is it..." I just nodded. I couldn't speak. He seemed tougher than me. He continued, "Feeb was a very smart dog, each of us loved her so much.. each morning she'd run into our rooms, wake us up... and if we do not wake up, she'd run into another room...never soil the house.. she's such a darling to us.." and he broke down. Everyone of us broke down that morning.

A beautiful dog had just left the ugly world.

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