Friday, July 22, 2005


The week is finali over (not reali yet tho', but i'm glad tat Friday has managed to make its way thru anyhow). I didn't know how i survived it.. but i did it. (oh yes! Yes!! yes! yes! yes! yes! *clasping my hands held close to my heart*.. *squealing with joy* OH YES! )

it has been a week of forcing my palpebral fissure open (poor palpebral muscles) at 7am (or earlier) and allowing it to "now, go rest!" at 2am (or later in the mornin). 5 hours (or less) to rest? Endurance test? geee.. let's just put tat to rest.. not to mention about the non-sleeping hours during the day.

I was on rotation to work in the Small Animal Ward, where i got to handle cute puppies, naughty dogs, gentle kitty tat suddenly says, 'Don't forget tat i've got fangs!!". All in all.. bz bz bz yet... i duno.. is it fun? :p but surely i learned a lot.. n i love it (not the timetable).

4 days in a row, my mind could never run straight. Who could? when their everyday scarce, dear, cherished, reaching-the-peak sweet dreams are always interrupted by the alarm clock in morning?! Not me. I proved myself a big no-no.

During the classes in the morning, i usually try hard to concentrate on wat the lecturers' been prepared to install into our mind. But these 4 days, my mind was somehow switches off frequently. Dr F was lecturing with those knowledgable eyes.. and my eyes went to his tie. Is tat tie askewed? Is it too short? Hmmm... the hair... Hmm.. the shirt.. buttons.. Hmm.. do the colours match? Hmm.. My eyes glimpsed on the projector. How old is this? Is there any bulb inside? Hmm.. nice black colour. From the back of my mind i heard the trailing voice, "conformation is important..... cow hock.... gait... prone to injury...."

I shook my head. Crazy! I wasn't listening!
Next session. "Coronavirus.... you don' want to... Leptospira... (the class laughed)..." Tat hair? Is it better if.. how does it look if... Hmm.. her eyes... "I only eat ... once a year..." Hmm.. the laugh... oooh.. tat shirt.. is it new?

It was sad n disappointing to realise tat i was drowning when the class was very much alive. I tried hard to concentrate.. jot notes.. kept writing to keep my concentration focused.. but once my eyes were off my notes... Hmmm... tat moustache.. tat hair? hmmm... Wouldnt it be nice if...

These mind-straying were truly not fun. Recalling on a friend's comment yesterday, "Don't imagine too much." Sigh.. if only I imagine ALL-RIGHT.

*ALL-RIGHT = at the right time, right place, right ppl, right words, for the right reason.


doBot said... week u surgical rota yek? anyway, enjoy

pam said...

haaa.. tx to VAM.. i finali got a rest! boy.. i lov it o-so-so-so-MUCH !

hats off to VAM!

ZeroGravity said...

Wow I thought you were meditating in class.

pam said...

meditating.. hmm.. good idea.. i'll think of tat the next time the strayin sets in. ;)