Sunday, September 04, 2011

Walking my dog is fun (though it could have been better!)

I walk my dogs daily. They're mutts. It's a pleasure to walk them - I get to breathe the fresh air, without getting bored (coz they're always up to something), I get to see what's going around my neighbourhood... talk to my neighbours... and just refresh myself.

There is this uncle who's always watering his plants and always wave his hands to me (I don't know his name yet!), there's this uncle who's always gardening.. and there's this rich man who does gardening on his own... there's this uncle who always ask the same question everytime he sees me, "Taken your meal? Me not yet wor... go eat with me la..." and there are these aunties who always spend their evenings walking around the field... this uncle with his barking schnauzer... this neighbour who always let his dogs walk freely around him then go hunting for the dogs when they run away - especially the black intact male. Haha.

However, not everyone who comes my way are pleasant. There are a few who always give the same joking remarks like, "Why keep a mutt??" or "Why you keep two dogs? So free hah you..." or "Hey, I'm planning to make a soup out of your mutt today..."

There are also those whom do not make any noise, but the look in their eyes are just as annoying. Snobbish look, the look like "Hey, hey, don't come near me.. Your dog bites." Even an aunty who keeps a cocker spaniel - she's one of my top annoying neighbour. Everytime we walk our dogs, and we're like 10m from each other she'll flash her glare at me, and shouts, "Hey go walk away! Don't come near my dog!"

Of course, by arguing and justifying myself with her is a total waste of time. After all, my walk with my dog should be a pleasure. Often I'll meet joggers who usually distant themselves and jog away from me/my dogs, or give the "Japanese-eye-look" or the "Don't-get-near-me-look" and jog away. So I'm used to making my dog stay or walk away from joggers when I see them.

Just now when I was walking Kim, I saw a jogger, who puts on this serious mask on his face. As I was pulling Kim away from him, Kim kept rushing toward the jogger, which really annoys me, for I did not want to offend people. What surprised me was, instead of giving those weird looks or running away from me, this jogger actually smiled and laughed and even played with Kim. I was shocked.

I'm sure Kim felt accepted and contented today. As for me, I'm glad there's a rose among the thorns.

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