One thing I really liked about Japanese and Koreans is their polite culture - bowing down, in respect and in apology/ regret. I believe this culture was part of the Chinese's until recently, all that's left in the Chinese, is... you only see them bow before their idols/ ancestor/ in funerals.
There's so much meaning in such a simple gesture. It is a act of humility, of sincerity. A person who's proud and floating on air can't easily bow to the people around them. Bow down in sincerity.
A priceless gesture, an honoured culture.

Tokyo Electric executive vice-president Takashi Fujimoto (second left) bows with the company’s operating officers at the news conference at the company headquarters in Tokyo, April 5, 2011. — Reuters pic
I never thought of it like that, but you are right. We should bow down to each other, more often. I believe it would soften hearts and open eyes. Many blessings!
Ya, God gave us tender hearts. The world tries to coarsen it. It is our responsibility to keep it tender.
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