Friday, March 04, 2011

A solution for pulling/tugging problem when walkingyour dog

Ever want to walk your doggies peacefully? I've been struggling on this issue with my toff for many years. So far I've tolerated well, until another canine joined our pack - kim.

He... he's a super-copy-cat of the bad habits of toff, and he adds into those bad habits his gangsterism behaviour. You know what I mean? To cut things short, with the two of them now walking on leash equals to a hard time for me.
Toff will sniff every inch of the ground, pulling and zooming without ever considering his poor owner could fall or trip.. and kim simply makes things worse by zooming the other side, and he jumps up and down floppping his hands all around the air... gangster in action.

Anyhow, I sorted for rescue and came to this gentle leader.

So far I've succeeded in putting this beautiful headcollar on them.

Will I succeed in walking them? Let's see. May God's favour be upon me.

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