Sunday, March 29, 2009

Of jerks and saints

I was driving home from work today along a main road. On nearing an intersection, I saw a car driving towards the main road. I had expected him to slow down, as the general rule of the traffic is, if you're joining a main road, you give way to those cars on the main road.

However, this guy did not slow down and zoomed on towards me. I was shocked, but I couldn't slow down nor brake coz I was already in the middle of the intersection. So I kept right to allow his car through.

We drove side-by-side for about 10 metres, when suddenly he started chipping into my lane. Initially I thought it was a careless swerve, but he continued his way towards my car, as if he's about to bang my side.

Quickly I braked and honked him. To my dismay, he retaliated with a honk and returned to his lane. What a jerk?!

Immediately the thought of Nick Vujicic came into my mind. And i thought, hey.. i've never seen this man frown. *smiled. I remembered the video of his talk in front of some college students in korea. He purposedly fell down, and I remembered clearly how he gathered his strength to push himself up again. *smiled.

Boy, the thought of such an inspirational man can easily lift me up.

I need to surround myself with inspiring people.