Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Are you a stumbling block to others?

Yesterday I was watching ntv7 where an aged HK actress Helena was decribing the whereabouts of Vatican, and she mentioned things about her faith (Catholics). I watched excitedly as she explained the history behind the churches' buildings there, how they run things there, Mother Theresa and etc. But the show lost me when she raised an issue about her occupation, as an actress.

She remembered that years ago a friend of hers once asked her, "You're a Catholic, a believer of God and Jesus Christ, but you've played so many characters as sorcerers and many ghost movies which contradicts your faith, isn't that bad?"

She felt really bad when she heard this question, so she went to consult a priest/father (Paderi Feng). To my horror, this was his response.

Priest: Are you an actress?
Helena: Yes.
Priest: So, what does that have to do with your faith? You're just doing your job. Just do it!
And Helena was relieved.

Do you really think that what she did was right? She's an actress, but she CAN CHOOSE which type of movie to act in. Say, a pornography actress. If this pastor is confronted with the same question and gives the same response, I'll faint.

"Do not cause anyone to stumble..." Thus says the Holy Bible, 1Corinthians 10:32.

Remember, we are all created by God, and thus to God we shall return. Whether Christian or Catholics, we are all FIRST, the child of God. Second, whatever role you play on Earth, and that includes being an actress, you shall abide and remain in God's words.

I repeat, we are FIRST - a child of God. This means that whatever we do, especially in our daily day life and career, we should abide by God's words - the Holy Bible.

By acting as sorcerers and performing magics in movies, she has become a stumbling block to many of her viewers. And that, needs to be rectified.

To make things worse, the priest/paderi gave a response which was against what the Holy Bible says. He's merely trying to satisfy Helena, not God.

His response stirred a question in my heart: How close was His walk with God?