Monday, February 28, 2011

What Kind of Book Are You Writing? becareful you speak

(Becareful what and how you speak, this speaks for me as well)

What Kind of Book Are You Writing?

Mary Southerland Today's Truth
"I will be careful how I act and will not sin by what I say. I will be careful what I say around wicked people. I became very angry inside, and as I thought about it, my anger burned. So, I spoke" (Psalm 39:1, 3 NCV).

Friend To Friend
A young lady named Sally relates an experience she had in a Seminary class taught by Dr. Smith, a teacher who was well known for his elaborate object lessons. One particular day, Sally walked into the classroom and instantly knew they were going to have a lot of fun. On the wall was a big target and on a nearby table was a large stack of darts. Dr. Smith told the students to draw a picture of a person they disliked or someone who had made them angry and he would allow them to throw darts at the person's picture.

Sally's girlfriend drew a picture of a girl who had stolen her boyfriend. Another friend drew a picture of his little brother who was a constant irritation. Sally drew a picture of a former friend who had betrayed her. As Sally remembered the pain and hurt of that broken friendship, she put a great deal of detail into her drawing, even drawing pimples on the face. When her picture was completed, Sally sat back and gazed at her work, pleased with the overall effect she had achieved.

The class lined up and began throwing darts. Laughter and shouts of success rang out as each dart found its target. Some of the students threw the darts with such force that their targets were ripping apart. Sally was looking forward to her turn but was disappointed when Dr. Smith called time and asked the students to return to their seats.

As Sally sat thinking about how angry she was because she didn't have a chance to throw any darts at her target, Dr. Smith began removing the target from the wall. Underneath the target was a picture of Jesus. A complete hush fell over the room as each student viewed the mangled picture of Jesus; holes and jagged marks covering His face.

Dr. Smith quietly said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matthew 25:40, KJV). No other words were necessary. The tear-filled eyes of each student focused only on the picture of Christ.

Words are like seeds. What we plant will grow. The words we speak are powerful and will either build up or destroy. Words can diffuse anger and turn tragedy into triumph. The right word, spoken at the right time and in the right way can bring peace in the midst of confusion. God gives us "spiritual radar" so we can assess a situation and speak the right word for that circumstance, but how often do we speak before we check the radar?

· A judge utters a few words and a guilty man is taken to death row.

· A friend speaks a word of encouragement and a desperate heart finds hope.

· A mother lashes out with angry words and the light in her child's eyes is gone.

· A wife offers a word of forgiveness and a marriage is saved.

· A gossip makes a phone call and a reputation is destroyed.

· A teenager says "no" and changes the course of her life.

It has been estimated that most people speak enough words in one week to fill a large book of 500 pages which, in the average lifetime, would amount to somewhere around 3000 volumes or 1,500,000 pages. What kind of book are you writing today with your words?

Let's Pray
Father, I need Your help. I want the words I speak to encourage and build up the people in my life. Forgive me for the hurtful words I have spoken. Teach me how to speak the right words in each situation and how to think before I speak. And Lord, help me keep my mouth shut when I need to!

In Jesus' name,


Now It's Your Turn
Read Colossians 4:6 (NLT) "Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Is there a meaning to life? The purpose driven life.

Many people ask - is there a meaning to life? Let's hear what this brilliant man has to say...

"This life is not all there is. Life on earth is just the dress rehearsal before the real production.
You will spend time on the other side of death - in eternity - than you will here.
Earth is the staging area, the preschool, the try out for your life in eternity.
It is the practice workout before the actual game;
the warm-up lap before the race begins.

This life is preparation for the next."

-Rick Warren (The Purpose Driven Life)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

There comes a moment (Winston Churchill)

"There come a moment in everyone's life,
a moment in which that person was made for.
If he seizes that special opportunity,
he will find that he will fulfil the mission for which he is uniquely qualified.

In that moment, he will find it has been his finest hour"

Winston Churchill

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Is Life Worth Living - Times and seasons (rat race)

Life is full of disappointments. You expect a relationship to happen ,but when it does not, the clock seems to stop. Yet time still goes on.

There is a time for you to digest your experience,
a time for you to learn,
a time for you to reflect,
a time to develop and further redefine what God is doing in your life.

Do not be caught up in where you should be.
Do not be in the rat race chasing goals.


Monday, February 14, 2011

black german shepherd from germany

Black german shepherd from germany

I was walking my dogs just now when my neighbour's visitor struck a conversation with me.

"These are your dogs?" He enquired, i'm not sure of the sincerity behind his question.
"Yah." I answered crisply while quickly making my way pass him.
"I have a dog at home," He looked at me.

"OK." I was really not interested to talk to him. But my dog was "dancing around with his neck leashed" (if you know wat i mean, he did not want to follow my direction and pace of walking, so he was struggling there with his dances refusing to follow me, right in front of the stranger).

"It's a german shepherd. A black german shepherd." He continued.
"OK." That statement drew me colder from continuing any conversation with him. So what if it's a black german shepherd? Like I cared.
"Imported from Germany," He sort of shouted as I walked pass him.
"OK." was my reply. I wondered did anyone imported any german shepherd from south africa? Oh gosh, I was getting cynical. At least by now I was no longer standing infront of him and obliged to pay heed to his comments and "one-kind" look.

I've attached a picture of a black german shepherd so that (if you sohappen never seen onebefore) you may know.

To me, a black, or brown,or white, or silver, or green german shepherd, is just another dog. No difference from a mutt.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

coming out of the dark (help/ heal/ cure on depression woman)

coming out of the dark (help/ heal/ cure on depression woman)

February 4, 2011

Coming Out of the Dark

Mary Southerland

Today's Truth
"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry" (Psalm 40:1,NIV).

Patience is not my greatest virtue. I do not like to wait - for anyone or anything - which is precisely why you should never get in line behind me at the grocery store. It doesn't matter if there are two people or ten people in front of me, my line will invariably be the slowest line. I do not like to wait on God either ... but was forced to do so when I found myself sitting at the bottom of a pit called clinical depression. I was empty and more tired than I had ever been in my life. I kept asking, "How did I get here?"

Depression is not an overnight phenomenon. I can honestly say that I don't know a single person who has climbed out of bed in the morning and said, "Hmmm ... I think I will jump into the pit of depression today." Deliverance from that pit is usually not an overnight process either. It takes time and patience.

1. Wait. The psalmist simply says, "I waited." Waiting is not passive. Waiting is meant to be a time of preparation, a time of rest and healing,

  • To wait means to accept the pit. Isaiah 45:3 (NIV) "I will give you hidden treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."

Any time "LORD" is capitalized in Scripture, it means "Abba Father." This verse indicates that our Father has gone before us and in every dark moment or painful circumstance has buried a treasure or stored a secret. The only way we can find the treasure or learn the secret is to pass through that darkness. Some things cannot be learned in the light. To wait means to accept the pit, knowing it is for our good.

  • To wait means to admit there is a problem. Isaiah 40:29 (NLT) "He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak."

Emotional health begins at the point of emotional integrity with a willingness to say "I need help!" When clinical depression overwhelmed my life, my husband was the pastor of a large church in South Florida. We could choose to be transparent and real or we could sweep my struggle under the rug. We concluded that in order to be right, we had to be real. Dan and I shared my battle with the staff, the deacons and then with the entire church. Yes, we took a risk but learned an important lesson in doing so. A shared load is a lighter load. We were created to need each other.

  • To wait means to be still. Psalm 40:1 "I waited ..." To wait means to hope in and look for someone or something who will rescue us.

    So much about God can never be known on the run. I was so wrapped up in serving God that I had failed to be wrapped up in Him. During those two years in the pit, I not only gave up every role of leadership, there were many times when I could not even attend church because of panic attacks. God taught me an important truth. He is more concerned with who I am than what I do. No one can take my place in His heart.

2. Be patient. It took twenty-two years for the McDonald's hamburger chain to make its first billion dollars. It took IBM forty-six years and Xerox sixty-three years to make their first billion. Harvey Mackay, in his book Swim with the Sharks, tells of an interview with the 88-year-old President of Japan's largest and most successful electrical enterprise. The interview went as follows:

Question: Mr. President, does your company have long-range goals?

Answer: "Yes."

Question: "How long are your long-range goals?"

Answer: "Two hundred and fifty years."

Question: "What do you need to carry them out?"

Answer: "Patience."

David said, "I waited patiently for the Lord." The word "patiently" means "without tiring and with perseverance." It took me many years to hit rock bottom. It took me two years to climb out of that pit and I am still climbing. Yes, I still battle depression from time to time. Depression keeps me broken and on my face before God - and that is a good thing.

Depression may not be the problem you are facing, but at some point in life, we will all face some kind of pit. It may be a pit that we have dug with our own hands of wrong choices or it could be a pit that has been uniquely designed for us by the enemy. But a pit is a pit - a place of paralyzing fear and numbing doubt that is constantly fed by our human frailty and desperate attempts to escape the darkness.

The good news is that God is drawn to broken people. Psalm 40:1 says "He turned to me." Notice it does not say that David turned to God. Honestly, I doubt David had the strength to turn to God ... so God turned to him. God heard the cry of David and he will hear yours. I don't know if you are in a pit and need help or if someone you love is in that pit and needs your help, but one thing I do know is that the purpose of the pit is to purify and then restore. Right now, surrender the broken pieces of your life to God. He can and will bring you out of the dark.

Let's Pray

Father, I am so tired. I can't hear Your voice or sense Your presence in my life. My faith is weak and I need Your strength to go on. Right now, I am laying the broken pieces of my life at Your feet and counting on You to come through for me.

In Jesus' name,
