Monday, February 14, 2011

black german shepherd from germany

Black german shepherd from germany

I was walking my dogs just now when my neighbour's visitor struck a conversation with me.

"These are your dogs?" He enquired, i'm not sure of the sincerity behind his question.
"Yah." I answered crisply while quickly making my way pass him.
"I have a dog at home," He looked at me.

"OK." I was really not interested to talk to him. But my dog was "dancing around with his neck leashed" (if you know wat i mean, he did not want to follow my direction and pace of walking, so he was struggling there with his dances refusing to follow me, right in front of the stranger).

"It's a german shepherd. A black german shepherd." He continued.
"OK." That statement drew me colder from continuing any conversation with him. So what if it's a black german shepherd? Like I cared.
"Imported from Germany," He sort of shouted as I walked pass him.
"OK." was my reply. I wondered did anyone imported any german shepherd from south africa? Oh gosh, I was getting cynical. At least by now I was no longer standing infront of him and obliged to pay heed to his comments and "one-kind" look.

I've attached a picture of a black german shepherd so that (if you sohappen never seen onebefore) you may know.

To me, a black, or brown,or white, or silver, or green german shepherd, is just another dog. No difference from a mutt.

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