Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pure shiba inu for adoption or buy at cheap price

"Pure Shiba Inu for adoption or buy at cheap price" or

"Champion shiba inu at a reasonable price for sale"

I'm sure if I post something similar to the above titles in facebook, i'll be getting tons of reply enquiring and bargaining - they're all interested.

What if I add "mixed" or "cross" i.e. Shiba inu cross for adoption, FREE - whatdo you think the response would be? Yes... there will be zero response. They may say, "Cute dog!" but no body will offer to adopt him.

That's mankind. We look and judge according to outward appearance and status. Fame, beauty and wealth are all tat matters to most people. However, God says otherwise in His Word, “For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

How true it is! A word said 2000 years ago is still true and applicable today!

Judge yourself today. Do you remember people by…

1. Their outward appearance – their costume, jewelleries, handbags, shoes etc?
2. Their wealth – the credit cards they use, houses, cars, how many times a year do they travel for holiday etc?
3. Their status – do they carry a reverend, datuk, tun, tan sri, dr before their surname? What area do they live in? What breed of dog do they buy/keep?
4. Their fame – how many people know them? Their popularity?

Or do you remember people by…
1. How they talk/ treat the less privileged people/animals?
2. Are they “in-touch” with charity organizations?
3. their integrity? Life principles?
4. Their character/ attitude?

Judge yourself today.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Please be honest upfront, do not overpromise. you become...

Please be honest up front, do not give empty promises, don't over promise, don't give promises or words on things which you have no control in, else you become a liar!

That's what I can't tolerate in many people these days. When you requested certain things from them, he/she promises quickly, "Sure can, no prob, no problem at all,I can do it for you, just leave it to me." Very well. It was not even an obligation, just a simple request, and he/she promised to do it for you.

However, when the time nears, he/she without any sense of guilt/remorse tells me, "You must understand.. this is not within my control.. I can't do it for you." Hey, if you have no control over this, in the first place, please do not promise anything. No one is indispensable. If you just tell me an honest no,I could have found enough time to find another person who could have done the job for me.

That's terrible sales. I'll never go backto the same person. I'll never go back and ask any kind of tiny weeny puny favour from this person anymore.
For example, today I went to a shop where my friend is the boss,I often get discounts of 10-20% from my friend. However today when I dropped by the shop, I found that my friend was not around. So I asked the staff, hey, do I still get discount coz your boss is not around?

The staff answered, "Yes, of course, you'll alwasy get discounts over here." I smiled, relieved that I don't have to come back another time.

I shopped for a while, and upon payment (few hundred ringgit) I realized that there is no discount at all. I dazed at the staff, and she quickly told me, "YOu must understand, I'm not the boss here, only the boss can give you discount."


LIAR! If shewere to tell me upfront that she can't give me any discount coz she's not the boss, I would have returned another day when my friend's around. I was not disappointed coz of the few ringgit that I could have saved.

I was very disappointed, because this staff had overpromised, knowing very well beforehand that she will not be able to deliver what she says, yet, she still promises. Just to close the sales.
And that's bad.
It makes her a liar.
A bad sales person.
There is no integrity at work.
I lose trust in her.
I'll never deal with her again in future.

I know there are many salesman/woman out there who do the same thing (esp. in direct sales marketing, insurance etc.), but that doesn't make it right, just because the entire world is doing it.

What is wrong remains wrong no matter what the democracy decision is.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

National Geographic bird ash mother wings protect chicks christmas

An article in National Geographic several years ago provided an interesting picture of God's wings. After a forest fire in Yellowstone National Park, forest rangers began their trek up a mountain to assess the inferno's damage.

At the base of a tree, one ranger found a bird literally petrified in ashes. Dismayed by the strange sight, the ranger knocked the bird over with a stick.

To his amazement, three tiny chicks scurried from under their dead mother's wings. The loving mother, sensing the impending disaster, had carried her chicks to the base of the tree and gathered them under her wings.

She could have flown to safety but had refused to abandon her babies. The blaze had descended upon her, scorching her small body, but the mother remained steadfast, willing to die so those under the cover of her wings would live.
God's love is like that. God defined His unconditional and relentless love for us when He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth as a baby. And Jesus said, "Yes!" What an amazing gift!

The love of God for you and for me compelled Jesus Christ to willingly exchange a throne for a manger, divinity for humanity and Heaven for Earth. God's love changes everything and everyone it touches. It protects and breathes life and purpose into every minute of every day.

God's love is a gift beyond measure that surrounds us and covers us when the fire of life rains down. It is God's love and the very reason for the season we call Christmas - or it should be. I know many of you are experiencing those "fires" of life this year. No job and no prospect of one.

Someone you love is very ill or maybe you are the one battling to survive each day. A rebellious child has broken your heart. A secret addiction is slowly destroying your life. Your spouse packed his bags and walked out the front door because he no longer wants to be married.
It is hard to celebrate anything in the midst of such darkness.
I have great news for you, friend. You can celebrate Jesus. Do not believe the lies of the enemy when he tells you that your God has forsaken you. God is with you - Emmanuel.
God understands your fear and loneliness. He endured the cross, completely and absolutely alone because He loves you and because no one can take your place in the Father's heart. No matter where this Christmas Eve finds you - you can celebrate Jesus. Let's Pray
Father, I celebrate You and the love You so freely offer. I may not understand some of the things happening in my life right now but I choose to trust You with each one. My faith is small, Lord. Give me Your strength for each step and help me to remember that You are with me. Lord, today I celebrate Your birth. Thank You for the gift of life and love I find in knowing You. My Christmas gift to You is everything I am, everything I have, everything I hope to be.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Source: Girlfriends in God
December 24, 2010 And Jesus Said "Yes" Mary Southerland Today's TruthPsalm 91:4 "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge."