Friday, October 08, 2010

Iceland volcano eruption March 2010 - time-lapes of new lava superb youtube video

Iceland volcano eruption March 2010 - time-lapes of new lava superb youtube video

Do yo remember of a great volcano eruption earlier this year in March/ April?

If you're living in Malaysia, most likely you won't remember it. But if you do remember it, may I salute you here... I've found this superb video in the youtube, showcasting the Iceland volcano eruption March 2010 - time-lapes of new lava. What makes the video so wonderfully beautiful, is because it was taken at night, so you can actually see all the fumes in red and yellow.

It's just beautiful. I mean, the situation was horrifying, but the sight of it, is beautiful. And to make it even nicer, it was taken just before sun rise! haha... now I'm sounding as if I'm promoting this Iceland volcano eruption March 2010 - time-lapes of new lava , of which I'm not.

Have a nice day! ;-)

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