Monday, April 20, 2009

It's so dificult.

Human beings are a complex entity. Sometimes the reason why I prefer dogs and cats are they are so much more straight forward, if they love you, they tell you. If they hate you, they let you know so.

Knowing someone who's a straight-forward loud mouth may not be as dangerous compared to someone who's tolerant, and quiet. We may not know. We may never know. Sometimes our instincts spell things right. But even if you know, what good does it do unto you? Perhaps, it helps you prevent your fall. perhaps...

I watch the person treating her friend so nicely, so forgiving with all the jokes, but when the friend's away, she couldn't help complaining about the friend. In another term, it's backstabbing. I know, human nature, many "friends" do this.

Sometimes ppl who do not speak the truth face to face really sicks me off. Just live life simple, can't they? Well, things are not the same, if when you speak the truth at their faces, ISA's gonna come get you. But if you call yourselves "friends"?

But the scene is so hard to bear.

Dear Lord,

help me to not jump to conclusions and make quick judgments. Help me always to realize that I don't have all the facts when it comes to another person's attitude, actions and reactions.

Give me a gracious and loving spirit that always thinks the best of others and closed lips when I don't. In Jesus' Name i pray, Amen