Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Man loses RM5,000 after updating online banking details

In less than four minutes, about RM5,000 disappeared from manager Yong Chee Seong’s bank account after he was asked to update his online banking details in an e-mail he received on Tuesday, Kosmo! reported.

“The e-mail looked genuine and I was told to change my bank account password for safety reasons and to avoid being cheated by cyber frauds,” said the 30-year-old.

Yong said he did not suspect anything amiss until he received an SMS from the bank, informing him that a total of RM4,935 had been transferred out of his account.

When contacted, the bank said its policy did not require account holders to change their personal information via e-mail.

Yong made a police report at the Sea Park police station in Petaling Jaya the same day.

pls be careful of such scams. they may look so real...
quoted from: http://www.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/9/27/nation/2131543&sec=nation