Monday, December 18, 2006
That night, I thought of these words again & again before I closed my eyes and ventured into the dreamworld. That very night, I had a nightmare. In my dream, I saw a friend, someone whom I’ve not kept in touch for some time. I dreamt that she had long been in deep trouble. When I get to know about it, it was too late. Then I woke up. Troubled. “How is she doing?” I wondered. And I remembered my pastor’s words again. “God only gives you sweet dreams. If you had a nightmare, it must not be from God. Hahaha...” “Why must he “Hahaha” at the end of his sentence?” I thought grouchily.
So the next day I decided to call her– just to check her out. She was a depressed person when I called her (I was not surprised for she had always been so, she’s a pessimist). We chatted about life troubles, work, people, money, family and etc. Then she started to talk about something which she’s never told anyone – she’s being haunted. She had not told anyone about this, for she was sure that nobody will believe her. I believed her.
Quickly I told her the reason why I called her up – my nightmare. But I didn’t tell her the details, for I know for sure that it will only bring her down. So I comforted her, and told her to pray to God for help. She replied, “Don’t ask me to pray! I’ve prayed so many times and I’m tired. I give up. It’s useless!”
“Which God did you pray to?” I asked.
“I’ve tried many gods, I went to the temples and prayed and just last week, I went for channeling (rasuk tuhan). I tried his remedy and it’s totally useless!”
“No wonder why it's useless. The God I’m talking about is the one and only God on heaven and earth, whose son is Jesus Christ, our saviour.” I interrupted her lamentations.
“We have totally different thoughts. 100% different. I’m a Buddhist and you’re a Christian.”
“Are you sure that you’re a Buddhist? Buddhists do not go to the temple and pray and burn incenses…” To cut things short, she was very adamant that since she had sought so many gods, there’s no reason to seek Jesus for help. She believes now that only she alone can help herself.
“How do you help yourself?” I was curious.
“Let them do whatever they want unto me. I won’t care.” She replied.
“But why? When there’s a way for you to cast them away from you, why can’t you give it a try?” I had talked to her about pastors casting out demons from people in churches and tried to coax her to visit a local church there. She was interested, but steadfast to her rule, “I’m a Buddhist.”
It was a very, very long talk. To the end I remembered my objective of calling her – to help her if she needed any, and not to bring up any argument. So I did not push her far. But I reminded her, “Try all ways you want. But if one day, you find that no one can help you, not even yourself, and you really badly needed help, call out to Jesus. Ask him to save you. And you’ll be safe. Trust me.”
Those were the same words many people had repeatedly told me few years ago, which had ultimately brought me to Jesus. And He saved me, indeed. Praise Lord. ;-)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Dai Yee Long
The recent death of the 3 siblings murdered by their parents with bleach and kitchen gas surely has saddened the Malaysian folks. As usual, fingers started pointing everywhere, including the other family members and friends who didn’t lend a hand, government who didn’t put a stop to these loan sharks’ businesses and etc. A friend or family member may help you once, twice, thrice... but definitely you don’t expect them to clear your junks your entire life! You have to first look into the root of the problem. First stop creating junks.
My point here is, my dear friends, don’t point fingers at people when things do not turn out right. In the first place, one should never loan money from these people. They are not called SHARKS for no reason. Whatever problem you may face, DO NOT APPROACH THESE SHARKS.
Well, if you do not want to approach these people, dun think that the banks will supply you personal loans without checking your background first. Those with dirts and dusts in the financial history will be unlikely for any loan candidate. So, the core issue is, do not get into any kind of debt in the first place.
These are a few reasons why people run into debts.
Gambling habit. A fatal habit, which can actually drag the whole family into the fire of hell. Buying share without understanding the company’s nature is also a form of gamble.
Pleasure in using credit cards. While credit cards are definitely a necessity in today’s modern world, but always check your balance. And spend only what is necessary. Keep a habit of writing your personal spending accounts in order to keep track of what you’ve spent on. Many people, despite a zero credit, still dares to buy furniture, handphone and other accessories with no worry in their mind. Daring in this case could spell you trouble fren…
Bought cars and houses… without planning. Too many downpayments with too much of car loans.
Bought too many insurance. Having insurance is fine, good… but one do not need too many of them. Once you start to have problems in your current job, where will you get the money to pay up the thounsands of insurance bill? This applies especially for the young parents who started buying insurance for their children at infancy age. Halo?? Ultimately, either you run into debt, or your premium becomes void – which means you lose money also.
So to my friends out there, keep yourself clear of these four debt-inducing issues. =) All the best.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Breaking out the news
Now the next category – bad news – I’ll divide into 2 subsets : poor prognosis and dead. Poor prognosis is the time when the patient is apparently critically ill, and you’ll have to prepare the owner. “Be prepared…” but if she started crying, I can always end the sentence with, “There’s still a chance anyway…” and to be more honest, perhaps I’ll add a few more final words, “Though the chance is extremely slim…”
Not so bad to convey this news. Not so bad indeed…
Now the worst kind of news anyone can hear would be, “He’s dead.” It will not have mattered if the doggie's owner had wanted him dead. But then again, if so, he wouldn’t have brought doggie to the vet in the first place, will he? To save my blog space, let me just conclude: most owners want their doggies/ kitties alive n healthy.
Now, what will happen has finally happened. Little doggie died. How am I supposed to tell the owner? I’ve thought and ran through many methods which can be applied over the phone… and still thinking of better ways. Here are some examples (my imagination):
Vet: Harlow! How are you doing?! Hahahaha… I'm fine I'm good.. how's life?
Option B:
Vet: Hi… remember what I told you yesterday?
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Hapi Deepa Gatherin
Ok. The 2nd good thing about this type of gathering was it was a platform of sharing – about almost everything – ur work, mood, problems.. etc, you name it. Except that some things which were supposed to remain P & C should not be brought up to the table. It was a fun time. Asking one another how do they de-stress themselves, motivate one another.. having a good laugh together, for once. =)
Now, this part happens almost at all gathering. When ppl started throwing questions like, “Where do you work now?” “Where are you studying? What course? When graduating?” “Oh, you changed your job? So what’s your new job now?” “Oh, what business are you in?”
Of all answers from the above questions, honestly, I remember only 30% of them. Yep. Once YJin even slapped me with this, “OK, let’s make this very clear. I no longer work with Sxxxx, and I’ve never worked with Syyyy. And my new company is Szzzz. Everybody clear?” Truthfully, at that very moment I was enlightened, truly. But ask me now, I can’t tell you where he works. :P
A fren of mine once commented that the reason why I can’t remember the details was because I’m not interested in them. Not true. I’ve been “specially” interested in a few ppl, and yet I forget about many of their details. Ask me abt my idols, and I can’t remember his wife’s name, his DOB, his POB. But I can surely tell u the songs he sing, and roughly the number of albums he’s published. =)
Ohya.. a bonus from the deepa gathering – me, PGaik n Kar actually stepped into SMKB (now SMKKB)! It felt like going thru the tunnel of years. Watching all the memories flashing back unto you, it was great, indeed. Once we found that our old Bilik Pengawas was gone! Replaced by St Johns. I’m glad tat SJAM finally got their office. But…. Where’s Bilik Pengawas? We searched the entire school and still couldn’t find it. Finally I went to ask Mr Pak Guard – only to find tat it had shifted to a larger, air-conditioned, beautiful room. All smiles. =) yea yea….
But one sad thing – most of my beloved murals are now gone. GONE!!!! Why?!!!!!
Anyway, this was wat one of the murals which I painted says,
“Ask not what the school can do for you,
but what you can do for your school.”
It was a nice, sweet one, with birds and flowers, and the colour was so-oh-how-harmony! Thank God, praise God, I’ve got the murals captured in photographs – all laid in my museum, “Colours of My Life”. (in short, my photo album la…)
Sunday, November 12, 2006
becareful when near the road
It happened one day that i was about to cross a main road, looking left and right before crossing. As the traffic relaxed abit, and i was about to cross the road, all of the sudden i saw a car zooming right across me.
What dropped my jaw was, the driver was not looking forward! He was looking down, i wonder if he's removing his shoes or whatever, zooming about the road without looking forward. Imagine if i were a child trying to cross the road...
Sunday, November 05, 2006
cycling in ktn
it was difficult indeed, my mind was still stirring about - maybe i should sleep for another 10 minutes? the other part of me was saying, hey 10 minutes won't mean anything ok... while the other part, "i'm sure it'll be wonderful cycling abt early in the morning, here in the breeze-ly ktn."
10 minutes later i was on my bike, wondering speeding about my housing area. i felt wonderful, indeed. ;)
perhaps i'll do more so in the coming days. no more laziness. get into the dustbin you the-thing-called-laziness!
i want to claim more will-power!! POWER!!1
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
i can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!
argghhee!!!! (scrambling to grab the "time + day" to stay on, DON'T MOVE!!!)
Monday, October 23, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
The prayer (and also mine)
and watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer,
when we lose our way
Lead us to the place,
guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe.
I pray we'll find your light,
and hold it in our hearts
When stars go out each night,
remind us where you are
Let this be our prayer,
when shadows fill our day
Help us find a place,
guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
A world where pain and sorrow will be ended.
And every heart that's broken will be mended
And we'll remember we are all God's children
Reaching out to touch you
Reaching to the sky
We ask that life be kind,
and watch us from above
We hope each soul will find
another soul to love.
Let this be our prayer,
just like every child
Who needs to find a place,
guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Needs to find a place,
guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Is this weird?
When I wanted to deworm his puppy, immediately he refused, saying, "I decide not to deworm my dog." When I asked why, assuming maybe he dewormed his dog else where, or perhaps he wanted to save the cost. But he gave me no reason, simply refusing it. So I assumed he already knew the consequences of not deworming the puppy. Well, just to be sure, I threw a question to him, "Have you heard of all these worms? Hookworms, roundworms.." Surprisingly, he knew nothing about them!
After that, I told him about heartworm prevention. The same "No-no-I-decide-not-to-give-him-any," came from him. Again, he knew nothing about heartworm. ~sigh~
Finally, before leaving, he requested me to write a report for him. Since I'm charging him for the tests, which cost him less than RM10. What he meant was, all kinds of tests/check-ups, when not written in reports (though you verbally told him the results), they should be done Free-Of-Charge. Great. Imagine.
Say you got fever, flu and cough. Rationally, you went to visit a human doctor. Naturally, the doc starts checking you up, and towards the end, you have to pay for the check ups and medications. I kinda imagined - what if you request the doctor to write up a written report to you (since he's charging you for the check up). The report should include the results for the auscultation he did, blood pressure check, opening up your eyes, mouth and shining a torch down your throat, feeling your neck - all these should be presented in a written report - as spoken words alone should not cost any money.
I kinda wondered, will the human doctors entertain these "educated" requests? I really don't know.
Or maybe the doctor will request him to come back in a week's time to get the report? If so, I'll go for it. =)
Come back in a week's time sounds attractive to me.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
What is your purpose in life?
Recently quite a lot of struggling took place in my life, and i was wondering, what is my purpose in life, actually? Am I working towards the purpose?
Friends, if your purpose is to climb the ladder of career, what if one day your management decides to lay you off? Or one day the international market just crashed just like in 1997? The whole economy goes down. But you're still alive. What would your purpose be then?
Some people their purpose is to educate and nurture their babies - may they grow up to be useful beings, etc. But as we flip the newspapers each day, deaths take place everyday, snatching away children of some parents. Now, what is the purpose in the parents' life?
For some filial children, their purpose in life would be to treat their parents the best way they could to repay their kindness or etc. But there will be a day where their parents will leave them. Then what will the purpose in life be?
To some people, their purpose in life is a wonderful/beautiful love life. As mentioned, there will be a day where their loved ones will leave them - perhaps leave them for a better man/woman, or nature's call. What then, will be the purpose in their life?
I'm reading a book entitled, "The Purpose-Driven Life" by Rick Warren. There are 40 chapters within, where I'll read a chapter each day. So far I've covered 6 chapters, and it has already given me solutions to 2 of my big problem. And I'm yet to discover my purpose in life. =)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Blunt, extremely blunt.
P&C simply means, private and confidential.
I remember when I started my first few jobs after Form 5, a senior once told me tat our salary/pay is private and confidential. What she meant was; you don’t have to tell the world your pay/salary. It’s good enough for only your employer, family and close friends (and government, if you qualify for income tax) to know it. She also added, "People don’t go around asking ppl about their salary unless they’re very close to each other."
"What if they still want to ask?" An innocent question from me.
"I would say that those ppl are extremely blunt," she said.
Funny, of 100 ppl I met here, 30% of them are extremely blunt.
First, I’m not close to them. I’ve merely met them for maybe 1month +.
Second, their question was very direct indeed, "What’s your salary?" When I pretended stupid to elude their question, they persistently repeated, "What is your pay?"
Third (and I can’t stand this), when I retaliated by asking them the same question, they went generalizing the whole idea, like, "Oh, enough to eat la.. enough to survive la.. enough enough enough," and all sorts of redundant phrases. So I’ve tried using their method, "Enough to eat la." Then came the irritating reply, "So how much? Got RM1000? 1500? 1800? 2000? 2200? 2500? 3000?"
Today I finally told myself, enough is enough. Then came a familiar question from an innocent looking guy/uncle, "How much is your salary?"
"Hah? What did you say?" Act stupid, my first defense line.
"What is your pay, I asked."
"What? You want to know about my salary?"
"Ya, I want to know how much your salary is."
Enough is enough. Smiling, I replied, "I can’t tell you."
"Got 1000?"
I ignored.
"1500? 2000?"
ENOUGH! "I said I can’t tell you, it’s private and confidential."
"Got 2000? I’m sure got one…"
I ignored him totally, didn’t even want to respond to him anymore. Politeness has reached its limit.
Blunt. Extremely blunt.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
for once i'm blank
lost passion.
lost mood.
lost the memory.. i mean exact memory.
so let's talk abt the cockroach. yep, "siu keong". tat day i saw a siu keong in the bathroom, boy, i quickly ran out of the room and called for my landlady. so we sprayed mortein.. he won't die! spray.. spray.. spray.. after about 3 minutes.. my landlady finally blurted a phrase, "you're not scared of dog bites, but you're scared of siu keong?"
"Hey.. dogs don't fly.. siu keong flies you know.." was my simple reply.
Nights before i've tried killing a little siu keong by spraying water jet at it, tot it could drown him in no time.. but then.. 1 minute passed... 2minutes .. 3 minutes... 5 minutes... and he's still running happily rite in front of me! wow.. i surrendered and closed the door behind.
conclusion: Roaches are tough creatures. no wonder they're used as symbols/icons in starcraft..
Monday, September 11, 2006
i din know how they happen, they JUST happen! without my knowing.
oh wow, it was frustrating indeed, at first i couldn't stop blaming myself, felt like slapping my head off, banging it on the walls.. but then.. wat's the point? it won't change the things.
so now i'm extra careful in everything. i know tat i'm not a superspeedy gal, so i'd rather go slow and steady.
no more mistakes.. God bless.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
feeding raw food
Soon I confirmed that it was exactly him, the very same person, with the same line of thinking and wordings. He brought 2 pups with him, and I was seeing them for the 1st them. This is a glimpse of the conversation we had yesterday...
Me : What food are your pups on?
Him : (In his proud mode) Oh, I go to the market, get the raw chicken necks, raw fishes?and they like it you know!
Me: Do you cook them beforehand?
Him : (still in proud mode) No no no, I don't have to cook them! They eat it raw! I won't bother to cook at all.
Me : As you know, many kinds of diseases can be transmitted by eating raw meats. They contain viruses, bacteria, parasites..
Him : (super proud mode) That's why I bring them here to deworm! (smiles with the yousee-I-am-so-smart look)
Me : Deworming doesn't kill the viruses bacteria parasites..
Him : Don't worry doc, I feed them garlic too! That helps kill the rest of them. Hahaha...
Me : How much garlic do you feed them?
Him : One piece per pup (4kg) daily. You know what? They don't like to eat it. So I held their jaw tight, opened it, forced it in. And wow, they were chewing and spitting and making life so difficult for me.
Me : I bet you don't like eating a big chunk of garlic raw too, do you? (and they're so tiny comparing to your 65kg!)
My heart: (shaking head with a sad note) And who's the one making life difficult here? GOODNESS!!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
now that the days i tot of so much have come.. it was good in a way.. but really a heavy responsibility on your shoulder. never had i felt so much responsibility.. in my life.
i remembered clearly when i was still in my teenage years.. and post-spm stpm holidays where i worked part times.. life was still so easy. it was still basically - a responsible-free life!
wow.. and now.... this time it got serious, coz im building a career. perhaps not that far yet. perhaps it's better to term it as, "i'm starting my career."
and i remember how my stomach shrinks before each exams during the DVM years in upm.. and now? my stomach shrinks almost every morning. "What will I face today?" "What will I do today?" "Will everything goes well?"
Whatever comes, I must still face it. And I will face it, courageously. I'd fallen, even tho' it's just a month plus of work. But I've risen up again. With God as my pillar of stregth, I'll walk on. This journey. Courageously.
Monday, August 21, 2006
a lousy day
omg.. u can actuali see those little insects squirming on the little doggies n kitties.. n my.. you'll eventually feel it yourself when you feel something squirming on your hands.. and ...
eventually your hair! goodness.. .zoonotic? ahem.. no la... they'll get off me sooner or later.. anyway tonight i gota wash all my clothes, hair.. etc.. dun wana get a lice/fleas-infested-bed.
besides that.. today was lousy in a way too. hmmm.....
Monday, August 14, 2006
our biggest enemy
you've inflicted so much pain unto someone.. unintentionally.. and there's no way of forgiving... yourself...
so who's our biggest enemy here?
as the saying goes... get over it fast.. but then, is it reali that easy?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
friexxster again
First i was not able to post a comment. Now I can't even send a message. A normal frien-to-frien message. Everytime i click to send message, a new window pops up, asking me to Re-Sign in (i was already registered with my name) and then Re-enter my password. Wat for??! Then the funny thing happens, "The page you have requested is not found or available"
Monday, July 31, 2006
how could it be?
today was a very happy day indeed.. this is the day when I received the most flowers, ever, in my life. wow... thanks to my belovd family.. n frens - kY, kkan, tee, er, patrk, liz, and the cute juniors. a lot of thanks to these special buddies, nvr forgetting kYin n su, for coming all the way here. haha, poor su -blur case. :p n also to frens who have taken the time to call up - uchen, yHar, aHoon, Richrd, ma, heng, and many more.. wow.. thanks! i'm really grateful! =)
afta taking pix ceremony from 12.15pm - 2pm, i was runnin al the way from Dewan Besar to our fac - we had oath taking ceremony there. Saya bersumpah.. oops.. we dun use such a convulsive word.. it was actuali, "saya berikrar..." hehehe... meeting my long-not-met coursemates was fun indeed.. some of them whom i missed so much.. aaahhh............ =)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
life at work
question now is... how's my life. im living well.. in a land of strangers... but no fear.. coz i know that the Lord is with me. ;)
so far everything is going well... except that my medicine knowledge had really went down hill burying themselves. now im struggling to excavate them.. but so far doing ok. =)
convo coming next sunday... hmm... then i'll get my license.. and i can then call myself a TRUE VET.
oh yeah! imagine! 5 years for this day.... oh my oh my...
Saturday, July 15, 2006
MV Doulos
There are lots of books there - a wide range - includes animals (i wanted so much to buy an animal encyclopedia book there, but was budget tight, so have to hold back my dream), DIY books, mechanical and transports, world, languages, sports, motivation n leadership, religions, novels, children.. and all sorts! Though it was superb humid and claustrophobic inside, but i like it, coz i found what i wanted there. (tips! thr's a spot where you got cool air blowing down straight at you near the atlas area)
The best thing was, i believe the prices are standard - they're not hiked up by the taxes n etc. Bought 4 books, for only RM25.60! And one of it was "Window of the World" which is a thick hard-cover book telling n teaching abt the big wide world at only RM16!! I really really luved it! Goodness!
My recommendation? No matter how far, how humid, how hot the weather, GO GO GO!!! You can't miss this chance! The last time they stopped by Malaysia was 6 years ago! And the next time maybe 10 years.. or more.. we'll never know... So hurry up frens, grab this chance! MV Doulos, go go go! for more info, visit their website:
Here are some pix... (there are more pix, unfortunately they're not in my camera, which means i dun have it with me rite now. so solee...)

Friday, July 14, 2006
sg trip
so on the first day we went to the thai market area (i forgot the name! can sumone help me wi this?), then went to check-in at a hostel in Geylang (hoo-hoo), National Library (which is so huge and grand, wow.. i'd luv to enter it jus for fun) and later went to Marina Bay had a super big bbq-steamboat thr. wow.. most of us ate til we tot our stomach will explode. N guess? I ate more than 30 prawns i think! n chen was there superbly de-exoskele (i know de-boning, skinning, but removing the exoskeleton, wat do we call?) for me. kakakaka..
then the next day was another fantastic one - sentosa. before this i've visited some "visiting singapore tips" - well they gave comments that there's nothing to see in sentosa, that it just exhausts your money.. but i realli liked sentosa! first we went to underwater worl, whic includes the dolphin show (which i tot they're slightly better than toffee's arts), thenwalked around snapping pix, go sea-swimming, then go watch musical fountain. Hmm.. it's basically a laser-projection show. Nothing much of fountain dancing to the music. I'd still recommend our very own Mines Wonderland if you'd reali want to see water-dancing. ;) N finally we went Clarke Quay and had a real walk thr...
On the last day we went Chinatown, Bugis walk and sumwhere.. which i cant remember the names. Hehe.. proved that i'm growing older - the lousy way. :P
Here are some pix to share. ;) wanted to post more, but blogspot's stuckup rite now. can't post. soleee..

Sunday, July 09, 2006
Parents' wish
On the day when you see us old, weak and weary… have patience and try to understand us…
If we get dirty when eating… if we cannot dress up on our own…Please bear with us and remember the times we spent feeding and dressing you up.
If, when we speak to you, we repeat the same things over and over again…do not interrupt us… listen to us. When you were small, we had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you went to sleep…
When we do not want to have a shower, neither shame nor scold us… remember when we had to chase you with your thousand excuses to get you to the shower…
When you see our ignorance on new technologies… Help us navigate our way through those worldwide webs.
We taught you how to do so many things…to eat the right foods, to dress appropriately, to fight for your rights…
When at some moments we lose the memory or the thread of our conversation, let us have the necessary time to remember… and if we cannot, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not our conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to us…
If ever we do not want to eat, do not force us. We know well when to and when not to.
When our tired legs give way and do not allow us to walk without a cane… lend us your hand… the same way we did when you first tried your faltering steps.
And when someday we say to you that we do not want to live anymore… that we want to die… do not get angry… someday you will understand… try to understand that our age is not lived but survived.
Some day you will realize that, despite our mistakes, we always wanted the best thing for you and we tried to prepare the way for you…
You must not feel sad, angry nor ashamed for seeing us near you. Instead, try to understand us and help us like we did when you were young.
Help us to walk... Help us to end our way with love and dignity. We will pay you by a smile and by the immense love we have always had for you in our heart.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
I usually bring my Toffee out for long walks, where he'll go wherever he want, whenever I permitted. After the long walks, once he reaches home, he'll routinely go "wash-wash" where I'll squat and check his feet and wash them. Yesterday I spotted some reddish spot on his right hind - seemed ulcerated. So I held it closer to my eyes to take a clearer look.
Suddenly I felt something hit hard on my face. For a moment, my sight was blurred. Confused. Suddenly I realized, "Toffee back-kicked me!" What's different from other animals' kicks were, he did not seem the least annoyed or cared about what I was doing with him earlier (other animals would have given warning signs before). OK, I understand, perhaps his right foot was in pain. The kick must have been a pain-reflex.
Just to prove myself correct, I took up his left foot, which was perfectly well. Surprisingly, he back-kicked again. Once, twice. All the same time he looked very relaxed.
I fell back, sitted, surprised, laughing out loud. I couldn't believe it! Toffee back-kicked me!
How dare him... grrr... ye watch out boy...
Saturday, July 01, 2006
13dogs shot right in the owner's very house.
Reportedly, the owner (Seremban) who kept 25 dogs in his own house, "defied a six-month grace period given to him to move the animals to another area". Seremban Municipal Council received a court order on Dec 20 last year to cull all 25 canines in the house. With the court order, together with four dog shooters from the state Veterinary Services Department and two police officers, they entered the owner's house and shot 13 dogs dead. The owner had tried to save his dogs, and managed to pack 10 of them into his car, but was not able to save the other 13. -thestar
Now my questions are,
- Is this the best way to cope with this matter?
- Why shoot to death? Why not a humane way? Shooting is in no way humane. NO WAY. no excuses. Do you kill a man (or cat) just because the man (or cat) scratches/ bites you?
- Why not catch and cage them, allow the owner to claim them later (as DBKL does)? or other ways? There could be other means of negotiations, such as asking for the professional negotiators' help, or animal shelters. Turning to violence and shooting should never have been an option.
- Since the Municipal Council claimed that there were mounting complaints abt the dogs - where are the complaint letters? Black and white.
It crushes my heart to realize that in this time where we call ourselves "civilized" people, in a developing nation which thrives to be the global hub for education and technology, such cruel, merciless, inhumane shootings still take place, in the victim's home, right in front of their father (the owner) and other family members (other dogs). To make things worse, they are actually substantiated by the court. And a global hub for education? Think again.
What happened to our "Masyarakat Penyayang" campaign? Shouldn't the leaders (the court, Seremban Municipal Council, police and NS Veterinary Services Department) walk the talk? Show some example in the first place? I believe when Malaysians launched this campaign, the word "penyayang" did not only refer to the Homo sapiens species. It covers all living creatures, and what more, the man's best friend - dogs/canines?
It is disheartening and a public disgrace to learn that despite all the spites and cruelty that we, human beings, inflict unto the canines - who are not able to speak for themselves - they remained faithful and loyal always, entertaining and giving comfort to their owners whenever needed.
They had assisted much in the police forces, customs, saving people in rescue forces, helping physically and mentally-disabled people, and many more levels of people in our multi-racial society. In short - mankind needs canines.
I believe that it is now time that these canines deserve some care and love back from the society, especially the authorities. Stop discriminations. It blinds us. It hinders all kinds of progress.
The canines had successfully maintained their status as "Man's Best Friends", generations after generations. And I believe - forever more.
Last but not least, an applause goes to Independent Pet Rescuers and Malaysian Animal Welfare Foundation for the relief they provided to the grieving, distressed, heart-broken, tearful 66-year-old owner.
My sympathy goes to him and his children.
The heart of a man speaks thru his treatment unto animals. So is the heart of a nation.
Eng said: "My house became a killing field. There was blood everywhere. I not only lost my dogs but I also had to spend hours cleaning the blood. This is so inhumane. Those dogs were like my children." ~nst, 1st july 2006.
Friday, June 30, 2006
a tiring day
1: i didn't have enuf sleep. i knew tat i have to wake up at 6am++ today, but somehow, i just do not want to sleep yesternite, until i finished watching fear factor, and continued with "2 and a half man" comedy. it was a funny one - yesterday's episode was abt sex - literally, in a comedy manner. but it's universal - meaning even children can watch this.. so dun think too far folks..
2: one person managing 80ppl++. well, that's made up of abt 60+ children, and 20+ teachers. it's quite managable tho', but the fact that everyone needs some attention once in a while scavanged my entire energy. but i'm stil ok... until we went to the dragonfruit farm at 3pm, when the sun's scorching my skin. that's ok still.. until.. the 100+ children spotted a few 2-3mth old puppies wandering there.
at first, they point fingers.. then chase.. then hold up the pups.. then started kicking and throwing stones at the poor pups while laughing and running happily. poor pups were trying hard to find some hiding spots -in vain of course, coz the children were just too excited, they chased n screamed and bombarded the pups with stones and stuffs. And I was there, all the while shouting, giving warnings, and sometimes even slapping the children at the arms. it's tiring.
until the end i got really fed-up, i made up a horrible look, pointed at the exit, and shouted, "ALL OF YOU, OUT OF HERE NOW! OR ELSE I'LL START BEATING EVERYONE. BY THE COUNT OF THREE! 1...2..."
Most children started turning to the exit, but there are of course, the few stubborn ones who didn't believe that meant what i said. but eventually the crowd ceased...
3: it was a hot day. I brought only 700ml of water.. i was dehydrated. perhaps 5%. :p
Thursday, June 22, 2006
If a dog were a teacher...
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.
Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout..! run right back and make friends.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
* an interesting article by =)
Thursday, June 15, 2006
John Q
here's a critic from, by Gareth Von Kallenbach. The reason why i chose him is bcoz i like the way he wraps up the story, n of course, i couldn't help but to agree with it. =)
How far would you go to save a loved one? This is the question that for many of us thankfully will remain a hypothetical pondering. However for John Archibald (Denzel Washington), in the new Drama "John Q" the question drives him to stage a high stakes crisis where life and death are the only options.
Directed by Nick Cassavetes, "John Q" tells the story of John Archibald and his family, wife Denise (Kimberly Elise), and son Mike (Daniel E. Smith) as they struggle to cope in difficult economic times. John is working part time at his factory due to hours being cut, and his wife has just started at a grocery store. Despite the financial hardships, they are a loving and happy family who have good friends and are respected by their congregation and community.
Tragedy strikes the family unexpectedly when Mike collapses during a baseball game, and is discovered to have a failing heart by the doctors attending him. It is revealed that short of a transplant, Mike will not live much longer. The cost of the transplant is a quarter of a million dollars, and John is informed that his insurance will not cover the procedure.
Unwilling to let his only child die, John and Denise set about contacting various relief and assistance agencies in an effort to raise the money and save their son. Desperate to pay the rising costs, the Archibalds soon take to selling their possessions and accepting charity from their congregation but it is still far too little as they are denied assistance time after time by the bureaucracy.
Desperate to keep his son in the hospital after being informed of his pending release due to lack of funds, John takes matters into his own hands and takes the hospital's emergency room and several people hostage. John has a very simple request, all he wants is to have his sons name placed on the donor list so that Mike might have a chance to live.
During the hostage standoff, John has to negotiate with veteran police officer Grimes (Robert Duvall) who wants to end the standoff quickly and quietly. The efforts are hampered by the Chief of Police (Ray Liotta), who is more concerned about election year politics and his media image than in doing what is right for all parties involved. Further complicating the situation are Rebecca Payne (Anne Heche), as a hospital administrator more concerned with the bottom line than helping the public and Dr. Turner (James Woods), as the surgeon that can save Mike, but who is more concerned with policy and procedure than the human issue at hand.
The hostages John holds are a mixed group including a Hispanic mother, an expecting couple, an abusive rich snob and his girlfriend, nurses and guards and a smooth operator known as Lester (Eddie Griffin). It is the diversity of the group that leads to some of the more memorable moments in the film as the notion of health care in America is seen differently by each member of the group, and the film avoids the racial issue and instead relies more on the economic factors that for many determine the type and quality medical care they can receive.
While the film is dramatic, it rarely seems forced or contrived and the issues raised by the film are valid with no easy answers. The film also takes steps to show the other side of the issue, as while the bureaucracy is painted in a bad light, the audience is given some of the reasons behind their actions and decisions.
The cast is very good and Washington and Woods give outstanding performances without stepping on each other's toes. The ensemble cast works well and there is solid chemistry amongst all the characters. Perhaps the most enjoyable things about "John Q" other than the fact that it entertained, was that it informed without preaching nor making broad generalizations. The situation in the film was shown as what happened to one family without making broad references about this sort of situation happening to everyone. "John Q" is a well-made and informative film that was a pleasant surprise.
The thing that really captured me in the movie was how loving the dad, mom n child were - they have respect n love to each other, and best of all, they have faith in God. There were sentimental moments where John talked to his wife Denise & son Mike over the phone during the hijack in the hospital's emergency room. One of the hostages is a cardiologist capable of doing heart transplantation. At the end of the day, as John was pushed even further to the corner by the negotiator & policemen preying on him outside the hospital, he decided to give up his own life and transplant his heart to his son (he was tested a suitable donor). This is the climax of the movie when John gave his few last words to his son, among which he told Mike that he'll always be with him, while placing his hand onto Mike's chest. Heart.
So did John die in the end? Haa... if the main character dies, then the movie will not fit into the list of my favourite movies. ;) Watch the trailer:
ps. I recommend another movie - a similar one, "The Negotiator" starring Chicago's two top negotiators, Samuel L. Jackson as Lt. Danny Roman who desperately needed to prove his innocence by holding hostages and Kevin Spacey as Lt. Chris Sabian who tried to help Danny find a way out of the mess. Great movie. =) Watch the trailer here:
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Fog vs Mist vs Cloud
so i did some homework and heregoes...
definition from Compact Oxford English Dictionary;; pamela's conclusion:
FOG: a thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth’s surface which obscures or restricts visibility; a thick cloudlike mass or layer made up of tiny water droplets suspended in the air near the ground; fogs are near earth surface
MIST: a cloud of tiny water droplets in the atmosphere, limiting visibility to a lesser extent than fog; a concentration of droplets of water or the like suspended in the air; mist is much lighter & smaller & simpler than fog
CLOUD: a visible mass of condensed watery vapour floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the general level of the ground; a visible body, usu. white or gray, of fine water droplets high in the earth's atmosphere; cloud is a body.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Fixed # 7
KL, 26 December 2002
It was a sweet day indeed, Jack, he's back to my life, finally! Tassy smiled ear-to-ear all the way back to her home. She took out her photo album and held it close to her chest. Jack.. she smiled, how I missed you! She flipped the first page. It was her friends' convocation pictures. She smiled. Flipped.
Her heart sank suddenly. Staring straight at her was her little pet chick at his cutest points in life. The pictures of Kiki, from few-day to few-week-old were nicely cut and decorated in her album. Tears started pooling in her eyes. It was 2 years ago. Yet it was like yesterday.
Everyone had advised against her idea to relocate Kiki in her friend's horse ranch - a place where birds of all kinds get to roam and eat freely, in short, it was a heaven for chicken. At least in her eyes. The day she first brought Kiki to the ranch, all other chicken had isolated him. Poor Kiki was so terrified of his new environment, he kept running for safety under Tassy. Kiki had trailed after her everywhere in the ranch, longing for her to bring him back home - to her house. Though her heart was very heavy and sad, she had thought that that was the best decision for Kiki. All he needed is some time for adaptation. I'll visit him every evening.. he'll be fine.. How wrong was Tassy.
5 days later, she received a call from the ranch telling her that her chick was sick, very sick. Troubled, she rushed to the ranch , wishing for Kiki to be fine. She walked around the ranch calling out for Kiki in the dark, hoping to find him quickly. Then she heard the familiar peeps n chirps answering her calls. She followed the sound. Fast. Kiki? There he was, in a cat cage. "I've placed him in a cage... afraid that he'll be hurt.. injured.." she recalled her friend's voice.
Quickly she took Kiki out to the ranch office where the lights were on. To her horror, Kiki's right leg was very swollen, right up to the thigh. It was greenish (gangrenous) and smelt putrid. Dried muds stuck around and stained his once cute yellow feathers. Tears started streaming down Tassy's cheeks. Kiki.. I'm sorry.. u must have suffered.. I'm really sorry.. sorry... dun worry, I'm here now.
Kiki was not able to touch his right foot onto the ground. All he could do was to hop with his left foot. Tassy brought him home immediately, washed him clean with warm water and cleaned the wound. You're gonna be fine.. promise me you will.. All the while warm tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably. Tassy's family members were unusually quiet that night. Her mom had quietly watched her clean Kiki's wound with tears making puddles on the floor.
Early next morning, Tassy had brought Kiki to her trusted vet, wanting only one answer, "He'll be fine." Lady luck was not on her side. "The leg can't be saved... septicemia.. chance of survival.. dogs may survive with 3 legs, but a chicken with only one?" Her heart felt a pang. Mind messed-up. Her lacrimal glands had stopped listening to the brain and poured out its content uncontrollably. Tassy had wished someone was there telling her what was the next best step. But she was Kiki's owner. Guardian. Parent. She decided to stop Kiki's pain.
The vet took out a syringe filled with pentobarb & looked at her. "I can do it for you if you wish. But ur going to be a vet one day... there are situations which you must learn how to handle..." She nodded. She knew it, understood, but there was no way she could accept it. How?
Her right hand took over the syringe. She had started sobbing, her entire body trembled. She took Kiki out of the box. His eyes were half closed, barely responded to her – too tired, or perhaps too much pain? She took a deep breath, held Kiki firm, and poked the needle into his peritoneum.
Suddenly, Kiki’s eyes opened wide and he gasped. Tassy gasped in shock. No! What happened?! She had almost screamed but at the instance Kiki’s eyes closed and laid still in her palm. She looked up at the vet, horrified. “He’s in peace now,” he gave her an empathic slow nod. Behind him, through the tinted glass she saw her senior who was already a vet then, standing there watching her - his eyes melancholy.
She closed her photo album. It was still like yesterday. I’m sorry Kiki, I am.. really… Kiki…
Thursday, June 08, 2006
as you know, there are many genera of mosqui like Aedes, Culex, Anopheles, just to name a few. but im not talkin abt their names today, i'll talk abt how to eLiMinaTe them. total annihilation, if possible. ahem.
our gov will sing songs like, "jangan biarkan air bertakung" n sorts, which is true. but if there are mosquis buzzing around ur head, wat do you do? dun tell me you'l go pouring the water in the tanks... prevention is important of course, but killing-without-questioning is just as important (to immediately alleviate the level of stress in us).
ok. first. go purchase a zapper - mosquito electrical racquets. it's widely available in the market, n u can get them home at less than RM10. (dun buy insecticides! 1st they pollute the air, 2nd they're poison, 3rd they're super temporary. 5-10min, n the same mosquis are back haunting u).
Get one with good quality, in the sense tat the electrical wires are knit closely together, to reduce chances of the mosquis flying THRU ur zapper. Make sure the batteries function well. Bring along some papers to crush the mosquis. Zapping shocks the mosquis off consciousness, but the papers kills em. Wear short-sleeved shirt n short pants. They're wonderful baits. ;) *slurrp
Take a deep breath.
Then run quietly to a dark corner in ur hse, turn on the lights. immediately u'll see mosquis squirming around u, without any hesitation, start zapping! After each successful zapping crush the mosquis using the papers! Repeat this until u hear no more buzzing.. then take a look at the papers..
huh.. sigh of relief.. you have killed at least 10mosquis in less than 10min. now you can return to your work (play pc/watch tv/etc) knowing tat at least 10mosquis are now dead.
Now, if the mosquis r ur die-hard enemies: go to all corners of ur hse, doing the same zapping procedure. And also, prepare a dark container/cup, fill it with abt 100ml of water, put it in a dark, sheltered place. Every 4 days, pour the water onto the road. Within a month's time, you'll realize tat the mosqui population have significantly reduced.
ahah... showing that my trick worked. Oops, u dun have to thank me.. just spread the info around.
ps. if u stay near upm, do go to the aquatic unit, grab some copepods there and start culturing them at ur home. it works. Trust me. =)
Have fun...
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
making chocolates is eZ
last monday i went to one, I'm sure my fellow coursemates are very familiar with this, "Beryl's Chocolate Factory" in Seri Kembangan. it was a simple factory, i mean it's simple and small, compared to a bread factory. n definitely not as complicated as i remembered in the story book.
Making chocolates is easy. First the 4 main ingredients: cocoabutter, cocoa mass, milk and sugar. These 4 items are ground and blended into one: chocolate powder. Deng deng deng! so chocolates are made using this chocolate powder. ;) easy, rite?
Now for a little advanced technology. Remember the round/oval hazel nut, almond chocolates in the supermarket? ever wondered how they're produced? Very simple also, first they pour all the nuts into a revolving pot, then slowly n steadily the chocolate powder is poured into the pot, a process tat lasted for 1hr +. the revolving activity allows the chcolate powder to stick onto the nuts, tat's how we got those round chocolate with nuts in the centre. ;) easy, rite?
on the way back to tadika school, as i was bz sending sms in the bus, the children suddenly chorused - word by word, very clearly. i was wondering, "wat's going on?" soon i found tat they're actuali singing in chorus the song, "tong hua" by guang liang. wow! they're just kindergarten n std 1 & 2 kids! n all of them were singing so loud, so proud of their voices even tho' most of them went off tune. n tat made me so proud of them also. After tat they followed with another song, "Lao Shu Ai Da Mi!"
oh my... i was reali amused with the kids, smiling ear to ear all the way till they reached the tadika. And one of them, an 8-yr ol boy looked exactly like Junior - Patrick's 10-mth-ol son - with the same grinny eyes, and smile. I wished i had my digi cam with me, then i can take his pic n keep it. ;)
adorable kids.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
trip to aquaria KLCC
they have a variety of exhibits, but much less than langkawi's, and then almost everything is in glasses, which makes the exhibits look so unreal, even tho' they're actuali alive. hmm.. to name a few, i didn't see otter.. (they're not marine, but they're definitely aquatic..), i didn't see seahorse, wat else? in the class of lionfish, all i saw is exactly lionfish, no other sps. n the labelling of exhibits are not placed appropriately.
today i was bringing the 4,5,6 yr-ol kiddies around petrosains n aquaria. as usual i held their hands, but today i felt different. as a few of them tripped, i held them up/strong, preventing the imminent fall. i suddenly recalled the mt kk guides supportin n holding me up all the way up n down the mountain, esp when i repeatedly fell down.(special tx to chanling for doin tat on the way down also; fanfan tried to help, but i gues she's not strong enuf to support me, hehe).
fazly n jeff (mt kk guides) - how they kept encouraging me, making up silly jokes or topics to make me laugh (or keep me alive?) even tho' they know exactly tat i din hav a single energy to talk/smile. but i can never resist smiling. they even offered to carry me all the way down the mountain (coz i kept falling down, n they're worried..) really, until now i'm stil very grateful and thankful to them. i remembered i wanted so much to hug them the moment i finished the climb, but then was too shy to do so. :p as i narrated tis to my fren, he said, "this' their job." but i believe they definitely did more than tat.
today i felt great, and good - everytime each of the child tripped, or was climbing staircases, i was there - supporting them. ;) each time reminiscing mt kk climb. =) if there's a chance to help Fazly/Jeff in future, i'll never hesitate. yup, not hesitate.
i'm definitely going back to mt kk - i'm coming back!!!!!! n conquer it.. God willing. ;)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
a bonus!
yesterday i received a call from PL sayin havin dinner at Chen's place. i was thinking, boy, Chen's cooking! Really practising to be a hsewife haa...
2 hrs later.. i found out the truth - her daddy's doing the cooking. :P Anyway, out of my expectation - it was a major gathering - in the sense tat we never had this since.. maybe CNY?? Andrew, Beck, Aaron, Mahen, KK, PL, NC, Chen and me. big .. then later we had 2 cakes - one of it was labelled, "Happy Birthday, 3 blind mice". Chen was askin me, do u know who are the 3 blind mice? i tot it must be her.. coz earlier i received a call by ahemhem asking abt her birthday. hehe..
it turned out that the 3 blind mice were KK, PL n me. hmm.. since when did we start wearing the sunglasses??
anyway, the cakes were marvelous, n we even had wine! sum 13%, but i can't stand the smell, or taste.. or watever..i remember the names of the grapes - marlet n sauvignon. hehe..everyone finished their part, except for me n Aaron, who developed allergic reaction later. All i had were sips of the wine.. i guess maybe totalled up as 5ml? or less...I gave up sipping the moment i heard Andrew fell sick for a week when he "first started off". I'm stil sick, n I'm healing tremendously slowly now.. so i didn't want to burden my immunity.. so there goes my poor wine to the ...d...tb.n. ahem. :P sorry folks..
n the best part was, we managed to organize a trip to singapore yesterday! horay! tat's considered a bonus to a our little gathering. hope it works! ;) i'm gona look forward for it now... counting counting counting on the days... :D
Monday, May 22, 2006
Paradox of Our Times
Today we have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time;
We have more degrees, but less common sense; more knowledge, but less judgment;
We laugh too little, drive too fast, get to angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too often, and pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
We talk too much, love too little and lie too often.
We‘ve learned how to make a living, but not a life; we’ve added years to life, not life to years.
We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.
We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.
We've conquered outer space, but not inner space.
We've split the atom, but not our prejudice;
We've learned to rush, but not to wait; we have higher incomes, but lower morals.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion;
tall men and short character;
steep profits and shallow relationships.
More leisure and less fun;
more kinds of food, but less nutrition;
fancier houses, but broken homes.
That’s why I propose, that as of today, you do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion.
Search for knowledge, read more, sit on your front porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs.
Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, and visit the places you love.
Life is a chain of moment of enjoyment, not only about survival.
Do not save your best perfume, and use it every time you feel you want it.
Remove from your vocabulary phrases like “one of these days” and “someday”.
Let’s tell our families and friends how much we love them.
Do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life.
Every day, every hour, and every minute is special.
And you don’t know if it will be your last.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
i'm bk fr sabah trip! ho...
guess, tat day was the day of my worst health in 5 years - i got flu, fever, sorethroat (which is stil ok..) plus severe vomiting. i practically vomited every 30min, i lost all my energy. i took some choc, thought tat it could boost my energy, but vomited it out later. How i wished i brought metoclopramide there.. but i didn' didn't sound good at all, but trust me, i'm all very satisfied,happy, and enjoyed every single moment of it. though it's a suffering, but suffering with a smile (after the ordeal, of course!).

i'm lazy to type here, coz i need to post quite some pix.. so for more info, do ask me la. i'll be glad to tell you all the details. ;) but i've got more pix to come - those from chanling n fanfan camera - my camera batt kept running out of energy - so i've got the least # of pix. and oh, how i loved the clouds, greens and blues of sabah. Hey sabah, get ready for me - i'm coming back! ;D
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
it is finally.. over.
3rd May. Stressed n tension moment for ppl who resat their oral exams.
4th May. Scariest moment for everyone - coz today was the day where our comprehensive results were announced. To our amaze and cheer, everyone passed! well well well.. it was officially the last day of the semester for us - the last day in the faculty. then off we went to genting.. some went to casino, some walked around.. and all took pix. ;)

5th May. Had so much fun in genting outdoor theme park! wow.. it's been a long long time... really! ;)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
i cant stand friexxster blog!

let me giv u the few reasons.. oops, the very desolee.. i mean the very many reasons.
1. the blog address is too complicated, u cant easily visit the blogs site.
2. u must b a friexxster member in order to read the blogs.
3. u must sign in first.
4. u must click on "Blogs" or your friend's name first. there's no direct path to read the blog. Then you click "view Blog" or your fren's name.
5. uploading time for blog page is more than 2 sec. to read the blog, (including downloading friexxster home page) the total downloading time took more than 20secs.
6. in order to give comment u have to click on "comments". which is reasonable. but after tat, they request u to sign in (again?!!).
7. after re-signing in, you have to repeat the entire process to read the blog again.
8. then u tot of giving the same comment, then the entire process from #6-7 is repeated. hey, when can i every put up a comment??
9. ok, friexxster finally BELIEVES tat you're a friexxster member. happily you typed your essay-long comments. on clicking "post", the entire page is gone. (??!)
10. so you click Back, you see your comments are still there, so you click "post" again. process #9 repeats itself.
11. total time spent in order to post a comment took more than 2 min. good. tats efficient. Finally your pc got tired it hung. or perhaps, explorer got tired beforehand and simply tell you tat "The page cannot be found." Dun blame them, they're realli tired. So ARE YOU.
12. so you restart ur pc, or restart a new explorer. finally after 10 minutes of trying n repeating #1-11, friexxster finally REALLY BELIEVES tat you're INDEED their member. So ok.. they let loose abit. you retyped your essay-long comment again (which took 5 min). heart pounding very fast, eyes staring hard at the status bar, adrenaline shooting high, you click "Post" button.
deng deng...
finally, after 30 min of trying, you finally get ur comments uploaded. good.
finished all exams n presentations.. and yet?
last mon was the last time i'll ever present anything in my uni.. ever.. as a vet student..
on coming out of the student surgery theatre where i had the final oral exam with the smart-lookin (but unfortunately smokes alot) professor.... i didn't had the feeling of jumping and shouting "yahoo!" well partly coz i didn't do so well.. but partly bcoz i'm beginning to feel the waves..
waves drifting me apart.. further n further from my current lifestyle..
psychologist, behaviorists all agree tat most ppl dun like changes.. wats more with changes in lifestyles? right now as i'm typing all these.. i'm reminiscing the happy moments i had in upm..
there were bitter.. and sweet moments.. it's the sweet ones that captured my heart most.. where will i ever find those feelings again? those wonderful ppl again? will anyone so nice ever walk in my life again? the laughters.. jokes.. will I? as i packed my bag last sat, i mean packing 50% of my college room stuffs.. oh.. i felt my cheeks flushed and eyes jammed with salty water..
i remember few days ago when i was having lunch with a fren of mine, as he mentioned, "we're gonna grad soon, can't believe it." my throat got groggy right away.. chokey.. nevertheless, hard as it was, i forced a smile across the horizon of my cheeks.
I remember how much i wanted to leave upm and start working.. meet the outside world.. oh.. how i had wanted! but wat's going on now?
yet many ppl agree tat school life is the best life one could have.. and i'm walking out of it now..
working life... u wun get as much fren as you have in school days.. partly true..
i truly do not know what's going to happen to me in a few weeks' time.. i do not know..
it's as though i'm standing in pocahontas' position now.. sitting in a canoe right at a juncture... should i turn to the narrow river on the left? or should i turn right to the wider river?
I do not know.. but she took the left turn.
But i do know one thing for sure.. God will surely guide me. Amen.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
an easy lending hand - great relief
This morning miaw-miaw looked weird, she looked at me, ran towards me as if she wanted something to me. i felt weird. When i looked at her closely, wow, she's drooling badly, her chin seemed ulcerated. expectedly i tried to touch her mouth, which she resisted (usually she would just swoon at a touch of mine). And she did not allow her kitties to suckle. hmm.. weird... Then my junior who has been taking care of her came out and told me tat she had not been drinking for 2 days. She wanted to drink, but everytime she touches water she'll just walk away. Oh wow, water phobia, i was thinking, "Rabies." My junior was shocked at my quick diagnosis. For your information, I WAS JUST JOKING. "She's eating ok," my junior added.
Then i told my cute junior to hold her firmly, while i open up her mouth. Miaw-miaw struggled a great deal, i thought the entire block heard her well. Anyway, I found this in her mouth - floating, stuck on to her mouth's roof horizontally, was a little bone fragment, abt 2cm long, long enough to get stuck between both her canine teeth. Her gums were abit hyperaemic, slightly bleeding. And her breath was ewww! I suppose she was so dehydrated her kidney function was temporarily compromised causing the blood urea level to build up which resulted in that ugly smell. i took a forcep, and pulled the bone out.
The next thing was she started drinking non-stop. guess she was terribly dehydrated.. and then she allowed the kitties to suckle.. =)
yep! case #1 diagnosed and resolved. =)
Moral of the story? don't feed bones to your animals - be it dog or cat. you won't know they're in trouble, until they're SERIOUSLY in trouble.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Final Yr Project Presentation!
generally, i conclude this project as the best my class ever presented(compared to comprehensive), for most of us. coz, in comprehensive, most of us read the script n dun care a single thing whether the audience existed or not.. and the projected questions during Q n A session usually dun get the answers. while in this project, most of us presented very smartly, it is as though a sales man talking abt his product, and i was truly amazed, *salute!* and the best part was the questionin n answering.. most of us answered the right thing..
and these made the presentation ever more interesting!

so these is the line of ppl who loved the Q n A session to the maximum... ;) look at their gesture and body language. haha. .to make life more interesting, enlarge their pic n zoom into their faces. ;p

n the judges of Group B were saying.. "hmm.. hmm.. oh ya kah? oh wow.. beautiful... haaa.a.." can anyone explain wat made Prof T smile tat way? n do take a look at mr macho beside prof T. and the audience was magnificient! ;) all kinds of ppl askd questions.. n of course.. many were planted ones as well. ;)

and this Mr Syahar - the bird guy..

Let's celebrate!! ;D yahoo!!!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
it's the final countdown!
it's now 20days to go, until my comprehensive exam, where i will be tested on every single little detail i learned since first year, right to the end of fifth year. wow.. worse than PMR.. SPM.. but i still vote STPM tougher than this. no play play with stp..
so i won't update much here.. just a few announcements.. first abt my looming exams.. secondly, i'm graduatin! haha.. tat's after i pass the exams of course. thirdly, i'm scheduled for a sabah trip in may. ngek ngek.. finali get a chance to smell sabah.. fourthly, i'm moving back to kB!!! oh... finally.. ;)
till then.. cheers! ;)